Adams, Jack 108
Allen, Jack 4
A.G. Spalding Co. 55pp., 65
Aeneas, Chief 40, 49
Akutagawa, E. 100
Alaskan Defense Command 88
Alien Hearings Boards 91
Allen’s Club 48
American Association of Museums (AAM) 132
American-LaFrance fire engine 116
Amos 15, 27
Anaconda Company 133
Andrea, Chief 12
Andrews, Col. George L. 15, 45pp., 52, 70
Andrews, Tom 15
Antley 48p.
Apache Indians 24, 68
Arapaho Indians 2
Arlee, Chief 3, 40p.
Armitage, George W. 71
Army Reorganization Act of 1866 45p.
Aronson, Gov. J. Hugo 113
Ashland, Mt 85
Assiniboine Indians 134
Attu, Battle of 88
Avery, Lt. 41
Avon, Mt 59, 76
Baker, William 15, 26
Bannack, Mt 2
Bannock Indians 29
Barbour, Chauncey 1, 4pp., 17
Barthelmess, Christian 48
Barton, Col. George H. 65
Base Realignment and Closure Act (BRAC) 129
Baumgardner, Rita 126
Bear’s Paw Mountains 10, 23, 27
Belger, Lt. Edward A. 26, 33
Bella Vista 94, 96
Bender, Bruce 129
Benedetti, Umberto 93p., 96p., 103, 105, 107
Bennett Theatre 53
Berens, Gerard 121, 123pp.
Bertapelle, Antonio 42
Best, Ross 123
Biddle, Attorney Gen. Francis 101
Big Canoe 7
Big Hole, Battle of 18p., 21, 25, 27, 29, 35, 39, 59
Big Sky High School 127
Big Sky Mudflaps 134
Big Sky Singers 134
Big Timber, Mt 52, 59
Billings, Mt 23p., 57, 60, 68
Bitterroot Branch railroad line 46, 66
Bitterroot River 4, 6pp., 14, 17, 24, 30, 32, 37, 44, 46p., 66, 70, 77p., 97, 99, 113, 119, 123, 127
Bitterroot Valley 1pp., 7, 10pp., 14pp., 18p., 46, 49p., 105, 109, 133
Bivins, Horace 24, 68
Blackfeet Indians 1, 12, 21, 40, 114, 134
Blackfoot River and Valley 1, 29, 46
Bliss, Walter 102, 103
Bloom, Lt. 27
Blue Mountain 42
Boise, Id. 28
Bolton, Edward D. 48
Bonner, E.L. 52
Bonner, John 71
Boone, Tom 121p.
Boos, Edward 4, 54, 57pp., 65
Booth (the dog) 68, 77
Boulais, Danielle 126
Bozeman, Mt 2, 56, 59, 106
Bozo (the dog) 88
Bradley, Lt. James 19pp., 24p., 76, 128
Brooke, Gen. John R. 28pp.
Brown, Frank “Sandbar” 40
Brown, Dr. Robert M. 130pp., 134
Brown, Harold 103
Brown, Horace 82
Brown, Lorenzo D. 25
Browning, Claudia 68
Browning, G.S. 27
Brownsville, Tx 67
Brugh, Bob 121, 123
Bruno, Father Alfredo 105
Buck, Amos 15
Buck, Henry 15, 18, 22
Cody, William “Buffalo Bill” 68
Buffalo Horn 29
Buffalo Soldiers 24, 40, 45, 47pp., 51, 53, 68-69, 110
Burnett, Levi 15
Burt, Col. Alexander 22, 43, 45pp., 52p., 55, 57, 65pp., 69
Burt, Elizabeth 46p., 53
Butler, T.C. 66
Butte, Mt 16, 19, 22p., 53, 75, 82, 87, 98, 105, 107
California 75, 87, 89, 98p., 101pp., 108
Camas Prairie 41
Camp Baker 12, 19, 21, 118
Camp Menard 87
Camp Merritt 4
Canada 22pp., 28, 39, 41, 50
Carlin, Col. William P. 51
Carrington, Gen. Henry 49p.
Carroll, John M. 52
Carter, Thomas H. 69
Cass, Ginny 122
Caruana, Father 8
Catholdo, Father 40
Catholic Church 1, 8, 97, 117
Catlin, John 19p., 22, 24
Cave, Alfred 14, 23, 33p., 70, 75
Cave, Will 6, 37, 67
Cedar Creek, Mt 2
Charlo, Chief 2p., 10, 12, 15, 18, 40, 49p.
Chichagof Valley, Battle of 88
Child Development Center (CDC) 127
Chipman, Maj. H.L. 28pp., 34, 38pp., 42
Chippewa Indians 134
Cipolato, Alfredo 94, 96p., 105, 107, 123
Civil War 7, 19, 21, 25, 35pp., 43, 47, 62, 66, 118
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) 44, 76, 79, 83pp., 94, 113, 118, 126pp., 130
Fort Missoula District 83, 85pp., 89
Civilian Military Training Camps (CMTC) 76, 88
Claessens, William 8
Clark, William 1
Clark, William Andrews. 82
Clark Fork River and Valley 1, 7, 14, 46
Clearwater, Battle of 10
Clearwater, Idaho 39, 41, 51
Clearwater Junction 116
Cleveland, Pres. Grover 51
Coeur d’Alene, Id 28, 51
Cohen, Stan 17, 91, 95, 101, 106p., 116, 117
Collaer, Capt. Nick D. 94, 99p., 103
Comba, Capt. Richard 23
Comman, Lt. Col. Danial 77
Community Hospital 113, 117, 126
Congressional Medal of Honor 23, 25p., 43, 113, 130
Continental Divide 19p., 56, 59
Cooke, Dr. Emil 22
Cooke City, Mt 23
Cooke, Lt. 38
Coolidge, 1st Lt. Charles A. 13, 22
Corriere D’ America 95
Corrine, Ut 28
Corvallis, Mt 14, 18
Council Grove 1, 3
Coxey, Jacob 51
Craig, Oscar 69
Creden, Lt. Samuel 63
Cree Indians 2, 16, 41, 50p., 77, 134
Cromwell, Charlie 132
Crow Indians 41, 60
Cuba 63, 65pp., 93, 104
Curtis, Edward 39
Custer, Lt. Col. George A. 4pp., 35,
Custodial Detention 98
Daggett, Lt. Col. A.S 65p.
Daily Democrat Messenger 65
Daly Meats 86
De Luca, Capt. Allessandro 94p.
Deer Lodge, Mt 5, 7, 11, 15pp., 19, 22pp., 29, 40, 46, 111
Defense Base Closure and Realignment Act of 1990 128, 132
Della Vecchia, Alice 84
Delta Kappa Gamma 116, 131
Demers, T.J. (sutler) 44
Demersville 49
Dennison, George 125
Diettert, Gerry 82
Dillon, Mt. 28
Divot Development 78, 121pp.
Dixon, Sen. Joseph 71
Doolittle Raiders 87
Doss, Pferron 64
Drummond Depot 116, 130p.
Duncan, Thomas W. 112, 113
Eddy and Hammond Store 7, 17, 29
Edwards, Billy 22
El Caney, Battle of 66
Ellis Island 93pp., 106
Elrod, Prof. Morton J. 37, 51p., 54, 69
Ely, Eugene 77
Enemy Alien Hearings Boards 101
English, Lt. William 13, 22
Ennis, Edward J. 105
Evaro, Mt 41, 52
Fava, Capt. Carlo 93, 95
Fetscher, A.W. 117
Figini, Orlando 95
First National Bank 71
Fischer, Doris 122
Five Valley Land Trust 124
Five Valleys Lutheran Retirement Center 122
Flathead Valley 4, 33, 69, 128
Flathead Reservation 3, 50, 72
Flathead Indians 1, 3, 15, 40, 69, 72, 74, 111
Florence Hotel 46, 72, 105
Florida 66
Ford, Gov. Sam 111
Forestry Day 133
Forestry Interpretive Area 133
Forsyth, Mt 85p.
Fort Assiniboine 50, 56, 66, 68, 72, 77
Fort Benton 1, 6, 12, 19, 32, 39
Fort Buford, ND 51
Fort C.F. Smith 2, 47
Fort Coeur d’Alene, Id 28, 33,
Fort Custer 5, 41, 45, 52, 60, 68
Fort Dix, NJ 24, 68
Fort Douglas, Ut 108
Fort Ellis 6, 12, 19, 25p., 28, 40, 56, 118
Fort Fizzle 14pp., 17p., 27, 35
Fort Harrison 56, 59, 66, 69, 72, 74, 77, 108, 111p.
Fort Kearney, Ne 2
Fort Keogh 5p., 23p., 46, 48p.
Fort Laramie, Wy 47
Fort Lawton, Wa 72, 113
Fort Leavenworth, Ks 24, 27, 35, 108p.
Fort Lincoln, Ne 94
Fort Logan 21, 29
Fort Missoula 28, 47, 54, 94
Alien Detention Center 84, 91p., 99, 101, 106, 108p., 119, 123, 127, 131, 158
Bicycle Corps 54pp., 57, 62pp., 68
Construction 5pp. 27p., 30pp., 34, 44, 71, 73p., 82,84, 91, 94, 104
Disciplinary Barracks, Northwestern Branch 73, 101, 107pp., 111, 115, 119, 122pp., 131
Escapes from pp. 109
Equipment of the soldier 47p., 71p., 91, 97, 129
Fire suppression 30
Amphitheater 134
Army garage (T-203) 116
Boiler plant office (T-310) 90, 130
CCC Administration Building (T-316) 90, 130
Chapel 31p., 36, 91, 97, 131
Chinese laundry 31
Firehouse/guardhouse (Building 46) 129
Guardsman Lane 87, 113
Heritage Hall (see Post Exchange T-2)
Homestead cabin 115p.
NCO quarters, general 29, 31, 37
NCO Quarters (T-201) 31, 68, 110, 115p.
NCO quarters (14 and 16) 112, 119, 121, 124, 128
Officer’s Club (T-3) 36p., 110
Post Cemetery 25p., 33, 43, 48, 68, 79, 113
Post Exchange (T-2) 71, 72, 79, 129
Post Headquarters (T-1) 30, 36, 90p., 101, 129, 131
Post Hospital 8, 22p., 25, 29, 31, 39, 71, 74, 83, 86, 88pp., 94, 100, 104p., 107, 109, 111, 113, 115, 117p., 125
Post Siding 46, 92, 105, 128
Powder Magazine 24, 30, 32, 65, 68, 88, 129
Provost Marshall (Bldg 63) 108
Quartermaster Warehouse (T- 322) 114, 116, 131
Recreation center (Building 4) 90p.
Recreation Center (T-150) 113, 129, 133
Root cellar (T-323) 116
Sawmill 31p., 44, 71, 74, 133
School 31, 38, 46, 76, 85p., 88, 94
Tipi burner 133
Sliderock Mountain lookout tower 130, 133
St. Michael’s church 8, 130
Stable 29, 55, 71, 73, 78, 111, 114p., 119p., 123p., 127, 132
Water tank 32, 69, 78
Water tower 78, 92, 129, 134
Life of the soldier 35, 37, 45
Alcoholism 38, 45
Desertions 35, 39, 45, 72, 74, 89
Recreation 37, 69, 95, 126
Salute gun 37
Survey error 5p., 34p., 70
Fort Missoula Historic Overlay 123
Fort Missoula Historic Park 116
Fort Missoula Historical Society 110, 115
Fort Missoula Military Reservation 5, 6, 34, 46, 70, 75, 87, 119, 126
Fort Missoula Plan 122, 127
Fort Missoula Regional Park 115, 126
Fort Missoula Spotlight 108
Fort Missoula Steering Committee 119
Fort Missoula Theatre Company 134
Fort Missoula Timber Reserve 35, 44, 126
Fort Owen, Mt 3, 14, 18
Fort Richardson, Ak 88
Fort Sam Houston, Tx 103
Fort Shaw, Mt 5pp., 12, 15, 19, 22, 28p., 40, 42, 45, 49, 69
Fort Sill, Ok 99, 102p.
Fortune, Peter 92, 94, 96p., 100, 103
Fort Walla Walla, Wa 1, 32-33, 112
Fort Yellowstone, Wy 56
Foss, Carl L. 86
Foster, Col. M.Y. “Bo” 111p., 114, 129p.
Four-Mile House 47
Fourth of July 127
Fraser, Robert 100, 103p., 106
Fremont, Lt. Francis 43
Fremont, Gen. John C. 26
Frenchtown 14p., 17, 96, 116
Friends of the Historical Museum at Fort Missoula 82, 117, 130, 132, 134
Future Farmer of America (FFA) 111
Gageby, Capt. James H. 35
Gaman, Japanese arts and crafts 99
Garfield, Pres. James A. 3
Garland, Harry 25p.
General Services Administration (GSA) 73, 110, 112pp., 129
Geneva Convention 95, 102pp., 106
Georgia 66p., 77
Gerick, William 26
German detainees 104, 106
Gibbon, Col. John 6p., 12, 18pp., 21
Gibson, Lt. Col George 30, 32, 38, 41, 44
Gilbert, Lt. Col. Charles C. 5p., 127, 134
Glacial Lake Missoula 1, 58
Glacier National Park 85p.
Goddard, Charles 109
Goering, Hermann 114
Gold Creek 2, 29, 105
Golden M Club 131
Grant Creek 4, 6
Grant Creek School 116, 131
Grant, Pres. Ulysses S. 6, 9
Graziani, Maestro 97
Great Falls, Mt 53
Great Falls Army Air Base 108
Green Thumb program 110, 116
Griswold, Sam 47
Gros Ventre Indians 134
Habeck, James 119
Hallam, Bill 93
Hall-Widdoss Company 122
Hall, Dr. L.E. & Venna 109
Halloway and George Construction Company 91
Hamilton, Mt. 62, 85
Hammer, John H. 15
Hammond, A.B. 52
Hardin, Lt. Edward E. 7
Hardin, Mt 5
Hardin, Wes 130
Hart, Fern 132
Hayes, Pres. Rutherford B. 11, 35, 38, 44
Head, Capt. George 33, 39
Headquarters Post at Missoula 14
Helena, Mt 2, 7, 11, 23, 29, 33, 40, 46, 50, 53, 56, 59, 66, 69, 76, 83, 97, 117
Hellgate, Mt 1pp., 8, 38, 50, 116p., 130
Hellgate Treaty 1pp., 50
Helmville, Mt 59
Herstrom, Martin 103
Higgins Bridge 17, 50, 66, 75
Higgins, C.P. 1p., 15, 29, 52
Hile, Gerald 102
Hill, John 15, 27
Himmelsback, Michael 25p.
Historical Museum at Fort Missoula 8, 37, 71, 73, 76, 78, 82, 90p., 97, 107, 109p., 114pp., 124, 130p.
Hodges, Capt. Charles L. 43, 52
Hoecken, Adrian 1
Hogan, Ed 110
Hogan, Sgt. Michael 21p.
Honan (or Kannah) 15
Hoover, Capt. 77
Hoshimiya, Ruth 103
Howard, Gen. Oliver O. 7, 9pp., 14p., 18p., 22p., 40
Hunt, Geoff 117
Hurlburt, Philo 22
Idaho 1, 6, 9pp., 18, 23pp., 28p., 39, 41, 51, 72, 75p., 83, 85, 106
Il Conte Biancamano 93pp., 107
Il Leme 93
Il Progresso 95
Ilges, Guido 6
Indian Agent 3, 5p., 12p., 40p., 48, 72
Iroquois Indians 1
Issei 98pp.
Italian detainees 93pp., 103, 105pp.
Jackson, William Henry. 11, 19
Jacobs, Lt. 20
Jacobson, Wilma 106
Jacobson, Herbert 83, 89
Japanese Detainees 79, 88p., 91, 98pp., 108, 126
Japanese Detainees, South American 104
Jellvik, Gerald 108
Jewett, Lt. Col. Horace 49
Jocko Agency 2p., 5, 11pp., 39pp., 43, 49p., 69
Johnson, Dick 23
Johnson, Dale 115
Johnson, Lt. 7, 11
Johnson, Gen. Walter M. 72, 79, 110
Johnson, Virginia Johns 109
Jones, Pvt. Eugene 61, 66
Jones, Lt. 27
Jones, Pvt. Jacob 47
Jones, Pvt. J.H. 66
Jones, Tate 130
Jordan, Mt 41
Joseph, Chief 9p., 15, 8pp., 23
JTL Group Inc. 126
Judith Basin 40
Kalispell, Mt 49, 111
Kalispel Indians 40
Kashino, Paul 100
Keith, J.M. 71
Kelly, “Wild Bill” 131
Kennedy, Surgeon Jason.M. 57p., 61p., 64
Kennedy, Pvt. Thomas 70
Kenney, E.A. 14p.
Kent, Patty 125
King, Elias 48
King, Evelyn 100
Kobbe, Gen. William A. 70
Koch, James 119pp.
Kooskia, Id 106
Kootenai Indians 1, 3p., 12, 18, 40, 48
Krause, Carrol 120
Kuka, Leonard 96
La La See 48p.
La Rosa, Capt. Francesco 94
Lake McDonald 56
Lame Deer, Mt 4
Landreth, Lt. Col. Earl 88
Langton, Judge Jeffrey 124
Lapwai, Id 9p., 28
Larchmont Golf Course 113, 128
Laundresses 7, 11, 26, 28, 30p., 36pp.
Lawson, Capt. Gaines 25, 43, 48
Levin, Lt. Stanley 108
Lewis and Clark Expedition 1, 5, 9
Lindesmith, Father E.W.J. 49
Lindh, Axel 106
Little Big Horn, Battle of 4, 24, 35, 60
Livingston, Mt 52, 59, 98, 103
Logan, Capt. William A. 7, 15, 16, 21, 23, 24, 29
Logan, William Jr. “Billy” 21, 29
Lohn, Sherman 120
Lolo Canyon 1, 3, 7, 10pp, 14, 16, 17pp., 22
Looking Glass 10, 12p., 15, 18pp., 23
Lordsburg, Nm 103
Loughborough, Capt R.H.R. 65
Loynes, Corp. Charles N. 7, 11, 18, 21
Maclay, Clyde 42
Maclay Flats 128
Maclay, Harry 118
Maclay, W.C. 114
Maginnis, Martin 2pp., 74
Maillet, Jean H. 98
Malmstrom, Pvt. 35
Mansfield, Sen. Mike 101, 105, 107, 112p., 118
Marent’s Trestle 52
Maroney, Lizzie 47
Masonic Hall 97
Mathews, Allan 123
Maxey, R. J. 72
Mazurek, Attorney General Joe 121, 123pp.
McAlexander, Col. Ulysses Grant 43
McCafferey, Corp. Daniel 21p.
McCain, James 111
McCauley Butte (or Bluff) 6, 24, 27, 42, 71, 111
McCauley, Charlie 42
McCauley, Col. James C. 6, 114
McLean, Bob 105
McCormick, Washington J. Jr. 74
McCormick, Washington J. 5, 44, 74
McCormick, John (post sutler) 38, 44
McCrary, Sec. of War George W. 11, 34
McDonald, Angus 13, 17
McDonald, Duncan 17p., 24
McGrath, Jim 125
McLean, Sheriff Bob 105
McLennon, John 25
Meagher, Thomas Francis 2, 8
Medary, Charles S. 5p.
Mellen, Charles S. 71
Menetrey, Father 8
Merritt, Gen. Wesley 4pp.
Meyer, Paul 125
Middle Bear 10
Miles, Gen. Nelson A. 5, 23, 55, 62p., 69
Miller, Don 115
Miller, Attorney Gen. William H.H. 35
Milwaukee Road Railroad 86, 106, 116, 130
Minitree, Father 40
Mission Valley 1
Missoula and Bitterroot Valley Railroad 49
Missoula Art Museum 116, 131p.
Missoula Chamber of Commerce 100, 107, 111p., 128, 130
Missoula City 5, 7, 8, 11pp., 12, 15p., 29, 40, 53, 75, 82, 86, 116, 124
Missoula City Council 117, 122pp.
Missoula City Parks and Recreation Department 126
Missoula College 42, 127
Missoula Community Service Program 134
Missoula Community Theater 114
Missoula Consolidated Planning Board 122
Missoula Country Club 113, 119, 121p., 124, 128
Missoula County 2, 42, 46, 48, 67, 71, 73p., 87, 105, 111pp., 116p., 121, 126, 128, 130pp.
County Commissioner 123, 126, 129, 132
Missoula County Public Schools 26, 42, 115
Missoula County Search and Rescue 114
Missoula Exchange Club 116
Missoula Fire Department 109, 116
Missoula Independent 120
Missoula Medical 117
Missoula Mendelssohn Club 107
Missoula Mercantile 7, 14, 29, 67, 78
Missoula Model Railroad Club 131
Missoula Office of Community Development 123
Missoula Rod and Gun Club 94, 114
Missoula Rural Fire Department 115
Missoula Street Railway Company 82
Missoula Vo-Tech 127
Missoula Valley 1p., 4pp., 11, 35, 105, 131
Missoulian 1, 4p., 14, 17, 45pp., 57p., 63, 66, 82, 100, 119pp., 124
Missouri 23, 56pp., 61p., 64
Missouri River 23, 56
Mitchell, George 120
Moe, John 94pp., 104p.
Montana, State of
Montana Attorney General 99, 119pp., 123pp.
Montana Board of Regents 119p., 122, 124pp.
Montana Bicentennial Committee 117
Montana Conservation Corps 126
Department of Natural Resources and Conservation 126
Fish, Wildlife and Parks 126
Land Board 119
State Historic Preservation Office 129
State Land Board 119, 124
State Legislature 74, 113, 115, 119
Montana Military District 112
Montana National Guard 55, 61, 71, 73, 76, 90, 111pp., 128, 130, 132, 134
19th Special Forces Group 113
443rd Artillery 113
96th Division 113
96th Regional Support Command 128
Montana State University (Missoula) 37, 74, 87
Montana Supreme Court 124
Montana Territory 2, 5p., 13, 21, 34
Morlan, Larry 124
Moss, Lt. James. 54pp.
Mukaeda, Katsuma 99, 102p.
Mullan Road 2, 9, 26, 28, 32p., 38, 40, 51, 59
Mullan, John 1p.
Mullay, Col. P.H. 75p., 128
Mulroney, Ed 101
Murray, Sen. James 112, 118
Museum of Mountain Flying 117
Musselshell Valley 40
Nakazawa, Ken 102
National Register of Historic Places 117
Naudyee, Mr. 98
Neal, Mrs. Russell 98
Nebraska 25, 57p., 61p., 67
Nelson, Willie 134
New Deal Programs 89
Newman, Joan 121
New Northwest newspaper (Deer Lodge) 7, 17p.
New York 38, 43, 55, 58, 62p., 86, 89, 93pp., 107
New York Times 55, 62p.
New York World’s Fair 94p.
Nez Percé 1, 7, 9pp., 27, 35, 39, 41, 49, 67, 134
Nicolet, Ray 120
Nine Mile 14, 85, 86p.
Nixon, Pres. Richard 67
Nomura, Kichisaburo 102
Northern Cheyenne Indians 2, 5
Northern Pacific Railroad 33, 35, 46, 51p., 57, 59, 66, 71, 98, 106, 116
Northern Rockies Heritage Center 72p., 78, 114, 129
Noxon, Mt 51, 109
O’Keefe’s Canyon 52
Okamura, Suyoichi 102
Oklahoma 24
Ollokot 10, 23
Orchard Homes 70, 75, 100
Oregon 1, 9, 12, 18, 43, 75, 84, 93, 98, 101
Otoupalik, Amalia 37
Otoupalik, Hayes 37, 130
Otoupalik, Josef 37
Ovando, Mt 59
Owen, John 3
Paolillo, John 105, 107
Pascal 48p.
Pattee Canyon 4, 27, 30, 35, 42, 44, 76, 85, 110, 112, 126
Pattee, David 2
Pearl Harbor, Attack on. 98p., 104
Pend d’Oreille Indians 1, 3, 12, 18, 40
Penrose, Capt. William H. 33, 38
Perkins, Capt. Frederick 68
Perma, Mt 33
Pershing, Lt John J. 50
Persicho 27
Philippines 4, 43, 63, 67p., 77, 79, 103
Philipsburg 16
Phillips, Arthur Osborne 89
Phillips, John 126
Pierre Paul 48p.
Pillow, Sgt. Alexander 68pp., 110
Poe, Orlando M. 27
Polonio, Capt. Giovanni 93
Polson, Mt 109
Pond, Maj. George 69, 78
Pond, J.B. 53
Potomac Valley 115p.
Potts, Gov. Benjamin 4p., 11, 15pp., 19, 43
Proctor, Redfield 35
Public Health Service 96, 104
Pullman strike 51
Quist, Rob 134
Racicot, Gov. Mark 124
Rademacher, Ray 42
Rahmann, Pat 158
Rattlesnake Canyon 2, 66, 82, 85
Ravalli, Father Anthony 8, 40
Rawn, Capt. Charles 7, 11pp., 27pp., 34, 64, 73, 77, 133
Rea, Gene 95pp.
Rehder, John 105
Remington, Fredric 55
Reno, Marcus 4
Reynolds, John L. 27
Rice, Greg 131
Riddle, R. Richard 134
Roberts, Chris 134
Robinson, Assistant Surgeon 33
Rocky Mountain Laboratory 85
Rocky Mountain Museum of Military History 71, 90, 114, 117, 130
Roemer, Archie 82, 116
Rogers, Guy 131
Ronan, Mary 50
Ronan, Peter 3, 6, 12, 40p., 48
Roosevelt, Pres. Franklin D. 84
Roosevelt, Pres. Theodore 68, 71p.
Rosebud, Battle of 47
Rumrich, Guenther Gustav 89
Russell, Charlie 134
Salish Indians 1pp., 8, 10pp., 15, 17p., 39pp., 49p., 134
Salmon River, Id. 10
Sam Mercer’s Trolley Cabin Camp 82
Sands, Diane 131
Sanders, Sgt. Mingo 57p., 61, 63, 67
Sapphire Mountains 19
Saunders, Cole B. 15
Save the Fort Organization 121, 123pp., 131
Savenac Nursery 85
Saylor, Edward 87
Scheffer, Peter 17
Schramm, Leroy 119p., 125
Schwandt, Herman 102
Scottoline, Lisa 158
Sentinel High School 115
Shay locomotive 133
Sheridan, Gen. Philip 33, 60
Sherman, Gen. William T. 9, 27p., 30, 33p., 45
“Shirt Collar” Bill 39
Sioux Indians 2, 21, 25, 49
Simpson, George W. 46
Siple, Greg 120
Sisson, Edward O. 74
Skalkaho 14, 18p., 46
Slack, Jane 42
Slevin’s Island 123p.
Smiley, Orvall 96
Smith, Bernestine 64
Smith, Pvt. John B. 22p.
Smith, Richard 64
Snowbowl Ski Area 113
Society of American Foresters 130, 133
Sorley, Capt. Lewis Stone 88
South Dakota 49, 57p., 61, 67
Spanish-American War 4, 24, 35, 37, 66, 68
Spokane Indians 40p., 48
Spurgin, Minnie 42
SD Drottningholm 106
SS Gripsholm 104, 106
St. Francis Xavier Church 105
St. Ignatius, Mt. 40p., 56, 109
St. Louis, Mo. 54, 57pp., 61pp.
St. Regis, Mt. 33, 85
Starr, Ralph 82
Stevens, Isaac 1, 3
Stevens, Robert T. 112
Stevensville 11, 14, 18p., 23, 27, 40p., 96
Steward, Chaplain T.G. 25, 45p., 65p.
Stone, Arthur 74
Students Army Training Corps (SATC) 74pp.
Sturgis, Col. Samuel 23
Svoboda, Robert 130
Sword Bearer 41
Takahashi, Tarao 98
Target Range 35, 42, 44, 70p., 76, 80, 111, 115, 127
Target Range School 112p.
Torrey, Z.W. 72, 77
Texas 25, 67, 103
Third US Volunteer Cavalry 67
Thompson, David 1
Thompson Falls, Montana 51
Thompson, James 12
Togo Kai 102
Toohoolhoolzote 10
Toole, John H. 112
Toole, K. Ross 115
Tosi, Armando 95
Townsend, Mt 56, 59, 96
Tryvanien, Aati 26
Trolley 82, 85, 116, 132
Tully, John 70
Twain, Mark 53
Union Pacific Railroad 51
United People’s Federation 134
University of Montana 2, 37, 43, 64, 69, 73pp., 78p., 84, 87, 101, 107, 111p., 114p., 119pp., 125, 127, 132, 134
University of Montana Foundation 57, 119pp.
University of Montana Woodsman’s team 133
University of Montana Golf Course 131
US Army 2, 4, 9, 23, 35, 45, 55, 58, 64, 72, 88p., 94, 103p., 107, 119, 128
10th Cavalry 24, 50, 56, 68
14th Infantry 75, 77
24th Infantry 68pp., 72, 77
25th Infantry 25p., 35, 40, 43, 45pp., 49pp., 52, 60, 63, 65pp., 72
2nd Infantry 77
2nd Cavalry 25
3rd Infantry 25p., 28p., 34, 37, 40p., 43, 45, 118
3rd Army Air Corps 88
4th Artillery 27, 114
4th Infantry 51, 68pp., 72, 76p., 84, 88, 158
4th Cavalry 25
5th Cavalry 4
6th Infantry 76p., 113
7th Cavalry 5, 7, 23
7th Infantry 6p., 17p., 21pp., 25, 27, 35, 37, 59, 63, 71, 77
8th Infantry 43, 68, 70, 75, 77
9th Cavalry 4, 61
9th Corps 75, 87
US Army Reserve 25, 73, 76, 83, 88, 91, 110pp., 116p., 128pp., 132
279th Engineering Detachment 134
379th Engineer Battalion 132
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) 73
US Department of Dakota 28p., 34, 40, 43, 55, 69p.
US Department of Defense 111p.
US Forest Service 44, 73, 75, 85pp., 89, 91, 106, 108, 111pp., 118, 129pp.
US General Services Administration (GSA) 110,112, 114pp.
US Department of Interior 13, 70, 76, 126
Bureau of Land Management (BLM) 115, 127, 132
Bureau of Reclamation 85
Fish and Wildlife Service 114
National Park Service 19, 85
US Department of Justice 91, 105
Attorney General 34pp. 101p.,
Border Patrol 92, 94, 100
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 89, 94, 98, 101p.
Immigration and Naturalization Service 94p., 97, 99, 100pp.,104, 106p., 110
US Internal Revenue Service 101
US Marine Corp Reserve 72
US Naval Reserve 72
US State Department 102p., 112
US War Assets Administration 111p.
US War Department 28, 32, 34, 49, 57, 65, 70p., 75p., 104
US War Relocation Authority (WRA) 103
USS Maine 65
Utah Northern Railroad 33
Van Horn, Lt. Col. James J.. 49
Van Orsdale, J.T. 24
Vecchia, Alice Della 76, 84
Vehrs, Carson 82
Vest, G.G. 3
Veuve, Ernest 25, 73, 113, 128
Veuve Hall 129
Victor, Chief 3
Village Health Care 117
Virginia City, Mt 2
Visini, Antonio 96
Vogt, Armin 104
Vogt, Karl 104
Wahlitits 9, 20
Walla Walla, Wa 1, 32, 112
Wallace, Lt. Thomas S. 26, 38pp.
Wallowa Valley 9
Washington 1pp., 9, 24, 28, 72, 75, 98, 101, 104., 113
Washington DC 5p., 34, 51,100, 103, 105
Watanabe, Warren 98, 102
Watanaube, Mr. 105
Weikel, Bill 82
Wells, John W. 3
West Point Military Academy 4, 35, 43, 55, 63, 79
Western Montana Ghost Town Preservation Society 110, 115pp.
Western Montana Mental Health Center 90, 118, 125
Western Montana Youth Guidance Corporation 118
WGM Group 121
Wheeler, Sen. Burton K. 111
White Bird, Chief 10, 13pp., 20, 23
Whitham, J.C. 75
Wilkinson, W.C. 42
Williams, Lt. 34
Wilson, Captain D.B. 49
Wilson, Milden H. 25
Wittman, Capt. Herman 110
Woodbridge, Lt. Francis 12p.
Woodruff, Lt. 21p.
Woody, Frank 2, 4
Worden, Charles A. 6
Worden, Francis 2, 7, 14, 29
Works Progress Administration (WPA) 90p., 158
World War I 4, 24, 26, 63, 65, 68, 74p., 77pp.,
World War II 65, 79, 88p.,88p., 91, 93, 98, 110pp., 114, 118, 126, 131
Wyoming 2, 18, 25, 58, 60p., 75
Yakima Training Center 113
Yellow Bay 69, 128
Yellowstone 23, 26, 49, 56p., 59, 83, 85, 87
Young Rep, The 134
“Yes to History” campaign 132
“Yes to Museums” campaign 132
Bibliography of That Beautiful Little Post
Purchase That Beautiful Little Post: The Story of Fort Missoula

My Grandfather was James j Mc Grath and was stationed at Fort Missoula (US ARMY-Calvary not mounted). He was an boxer in the Army in Montana and Hawaii circa 1906-1912. and he also mentioned assinniboine as well.