This week I learned of the death of Joe Glass and Mark Radcliffe, the last two members of the First Special Service Force living in Montana. Glass, originally from Canada, was 92, while Radcliffe was 94. Both men had lived in Helena for many years. Both men were heroes who saw too many of their friends and comrades killed in Italy and France. I mentioned Radcliffe in both editions of Montana’s Home Front During World War II. Radcliffe was also mentioned several times in “The Devil’s Brigade” by Robert H. Adleman and Col. George Walton. If you would like more information on the First Special Service Force, see my previous post, Suicide Mission: The First Special Service Force. The full story on the death of Glass and Radcliffe can found at the Helena Independent-Record.

Senator Max Baucus introduced a Senate Resolution to honor the First Special Service Force in September, 2012.
My article on the history of the First Special Service Force can be seen here.
For more information, check out Montana’s Home Front During World War II.